Saturday, July 30, 2016

Island Birthday update

I started this post over a month started like this
One of my very best friends/more like family is giving birth as I type this. I am overwhelmed with feelings of pure joy for them, I remember the intense love that only new parents can feel. Not just with the first child, but with each subsequent birth. Yes the birthing story is different each time, yet in the end the beauty of what seems like a long pain fest is always the same, an amazing child of God given you to you to raise and  love with all your might.  

To me it's the most precious gift I was ever alloted. I am always so thankful for my sweet children, all four of them.

This is my yearly update on my special gift, Jojo. He is doing remarkable in most areas and still struggling in some. His awesome siblings are so helpful and even encourage him during his most rough times. This often means that he is in full melt down mode (screaming, kicking, scratching,  slamming doors, and his newest addition spitting) but even as the tension rises one of us is always willing to help him calm down. Each time its different and it always seems like the best one for the job is usually the one who steps in, because sometimes I am the last person he wants to comfort him. That's really hard for me, but I realize he gets a different kind of comfort from each of us and in return a new bond is formed.

  Jojo is SIX years old today, and the amount of progress and change in the last few months is just so awesome. He can just about repeat almost any word we say or point to. He understands and can follow simple and some 2 step directions. He has a few phrases he loves to say...mostly cause he just thinks they are funny or because they have become a stim. A few are:
I can't hear you
1,2,3,4,5, yeah!
My name is Jojo, yeah!
Bye see ya

I'm so proud of him, it's so hard to see him struggle and heart wrenching to not understand what he needs. He is very good at showing us, but we are working on encouraging his language use.

Another huge accomplishment this year was his first few movies! We live close to a theater that does sensory friendly showings and Jojo loves it! He is slowly getting used to going out more. And he even played on a special league for baseball this spring, he did it jojo style for sure!

It's so hard to understand the anxiety he gets when we go out, especially when he loves to go in the car. It's when we stop driving that he freaks out. We have been able to go to one restaurant with him (cheesecake factory) he loves the huge columns and the fries. And just recently he did a fast food place. It's crazy how much our lives have slowed down and changed. I wouldn't have it any other way, except for him to enjoy more.

  I can't imagine what this wondrous sixth year will bring, my wish is for a progress filled year with nothing but exploring and happiness.

Happy birthday my lil wonder! We love you so very much!