Thursday, September 7, 2017


Jojo is one amazing little, well mid-sized human. Progress has been just like past years, it comes in waves.

He has started showing and recognizing more emotions. This is so adorable. He says a random "hi" when he gets nervous or can tell you are upset.
Jojo loves to say "what's happening?" just about 20 times a day.  He can repeat just about any word now, initiating his own talking is tough for him. This is a current goal (requesting and labeling). He can count to 20 with little help.
Jojo knows his alphabet by recognition and can spell random words. He surprised us by spelling:

He is done with PT and IBT, we now just do OT, Speech, and have a para helping with homeschool curriculum. With our schedule not being so demanding we are able to do more and exploring his personal likes.

He has tried A lot of things for the first time recently and his favs are:
Happy meals...he calls it "happy nana"
Gum...oh he loves it
Tortillas...yup my boy!
Going to see horses or ducks at the park
Water play
And he absolutely adores his indoor swing and hammock. When he is in his zone, you can find him humming while swinging.

He is so tall and just big (4'2" and 64lbs) he is doing some of the milestones and mannerisms of a 3 year old or younger, like he started the Mamamamama, and he now loves to be held and cuddled.

I am loving the good moments and praying my way through the hard ones. This journey has been just about everything you can think of. I absolutely adore and admire my son for everything that he has to endure and for how hard he has to work just to get a simple need met. Sometimes there are days that he'll be saying something that sounds completely different from what he wants and I will literally take his hand and go walking around the house and try to get close to figuring out what this little guy wants and those moments when I actually figure it out I feel like I've climbed Mount Everest. And then, the look on his face when he realizes I finally GET it is the best ever!

Like I always say:   I will be here holding your hand through all of this. You and me kid, hand-in-hand... year after year... all the way to your college graduation!
I love you Jojo may your 7th year bring you nothing but joy, peace, and tons of learning💜

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