Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bittersweet Moments

My sweet boy has had a few times being sick in the last month or so, and its the most unusual part of this roller coaster BUT, I love it!!!  Here's the deal, when he gets the slightest illness he act so differently.  He is affectionate, he babbles all day and guess what??!! He babbled out his famous three words this past weekend, GooGooGoo, YeaYeaYea, and Drum roll please....MAAAAMAAA!!  Oh my heart melts.  I love these moments and I hold them in a special place in my heart so when the hustle n bustle of a full on "spinning island" day is about I just reach into my reserve and keep going.

 I don't fully understand why he seems so different when he is sick but it was clearly evident at the dr's office.  The Pedi walks in and Jojo burys his head on my chest and says maamaamaa and I jumped up and said, "omg omg, he said mama!" and the pedi looks at me and patted me on the back.  I chose not to disclose the whole autism thing at this visit because for that moment, that day he was JoJo at his bestest! This pedi was not our usual one and I just didn't feel the need to "tell" him.  Here's to a full week of therapy and fun.

This is Jojos bean bag, its the ultimate sensory relief for him!

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