Friday, September 7, 2012

Why this blog?

I decided to blog about my sons journey of living with autism. This is all so new to me and we literally just got the formal diagnosis two days ago.  I am sure it will be a blog that will some days be a self proclaimed pity party filled with brownie recipes and tears.  The rest will be daily struggles, triumphs over progress,and information to pass along to help anyone who might be going through the crazy process of trying to make sense of it all.  

To my precious boy: Through both the good times and the trials, I will be here holding your hand and spinning every wheel and propeller we see. We got this baby, together we will smack autism in the face!
  *I am retro dating these posts so they will stay in order*

I watch you on your own island 
You seem so happy that way

Sometimes when your not looking
I turn to wipe my tears away

when I turn back and see you flapping your lil ears
it just melts my heart and takes away the tears

I watch you as you struggle in your little mind
please know i want to help and I will soon find

A way for you to be at ease, so please be patient
I love you with all my being. 

Someday I hope I can understand your island and maybe you can invite me in, 

I just want to say I love you, and your beautiful  island too!!

My favorite info site!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I have been reading from your blog link that you sent me to read. It was very touching. I have read some books on Autism a while back when i at one time worked with these beautiful children whom were also diagnosed with Autism at Stapley Jr. High. "I think one book was really old, called Son-Rise? NE-WAys, i just wanted you to know that you do have a gift with your son. I am rooting for you all they way. We would love to meet our little cousin, out your way some day!
