Sunday, September 9, 2012

Whirlwind pregnancy

Soon after seeing the double pink lines on my many home pregnancy tests the anxiety set in. I was in a constant state of fear. I just could not imagine going through another loss. The ectopic was very traumatic for me.  I was in and out of the hospital in pain and eventually had emergency surgery to correct some "bleeding" near my right ovary.  I was sent home told i was still pregnant but a week later the pathology report came back stating, products of pregnancy were found in the mass they removed from my ovary.  I was nearly ten  wks. So it was a VERY hard loss.  

This time I found a great obgyn that got me in right away. He saw me at just 4 weeks along and he tried to make my fears go but, unfortunately they were staying. He explained that an ovarian ectopic is so different than a tubal because of its rarity he did not expect it would happen again. I left feeling guarded and decided to give it a day by day emoitionless go. I would not allow my self to feel happy. Every slight ache or twinge sent me into a full on panic attack. I finally reached the six week mark and my dr agreed to check for placement of the embryo. I went in for an ultrasound and stared at that screen and when I saw the lil ball all snug in my uterus I cried. With each tear I let go of that fear and anxiety and by the time I was home I felt full on elation of pregnancy. We told the kids and life began to feel awesome, again!

This lil baby dubbed "the meatball" by the kids was loved as soon as we let the word out. It was just a complete joy to be pregnant and have older children be so excited. When I was about 12 weeks along and feeling great my older sister came to visit from oregan. We had a blast hanging out and she fed me well! I felt a lil special and it was just fun. The day she was to begin getting ready to go home I had a big time craving for sundaes. So my daughter who was 7 and my sister and I headed out to the grocery store for some goodies. We were half way done shopping and all of a sudden I felt a gush of fluid run down my legs, I looked and my pants were all red!

My sister swooped me up and ran with my baby girl tagging behind. We were all crying. I just kept saying "it's over. It's over". She took me to the ER and I called my hubby. He came right away and my sister took my daughter home. I sat there in my bloody pants begging for them to hurry up. Of course I was not considered a urgent need because once you tell them you are 14 wks they know the pregnancy is not considered viable and well, nothing they can do. I was finally seen and a nurse swiftly told me that miscarriages happen all the time and that there was nothing I could do. I just cried and not for myself but for my other kids. How would I explain that another baby had gone to heaven. Why?? I then was taken to ultrasound and the young man asked me why I was here and I told him they think I may be having a miscarriage and he said, "well here's a STRONG heartbeat" I was so overwhelmed with happiness but still I was bleeding. The dr came in and said I had a subchorionic hemorrhage. Basically a small portion of the placenta failed to attach properly to the uterine wall and it was bleeding. It's actually kinda common and usually will resolve itself. In my case it did resolve after six wks of bed rest!!! My sister stayed with us to help. She cooked,  cleaned,  and even homeschooled my two youngest and drove my oldest to middle school. I was so blessed to have her.

At twenty weeks we had our routine ultrasound and gender check. We were so excited. It's a BOY! We were happy he looked great and the dr said he had all his parts and measured fine. They did however, notice on the ultrasound that I was having contractions. They were not stopping so guess what....more bed rest and meds to stop the preterm labor. This was pretty much expected as it was the way my other pregnancies had gone. So I listened and made my camp on the couch and popped terbutaline as needed.
I spent a few nights in the OB Triage getting shots when the pill wouldnt work.  It made me and the baby uncomfortable.  My heart would race and I would shake from the meds, and so would the baby.  He never stayed still at all.

Fast forward past an amazing baby shower. My sister going home. The hubby having a sinus surgery. Kids starting another school year and the day comes, on September 8, 2010 (exactly two yrs after we lost the ectopic pregnancy!!!) our baby boy was born. Oh it was an easy peasy labor and best delivery ever. I went into active labor at 6 am. Got an epi at 715am and out he came at 845am. Who pushes out a nice 6lb baby in two pushes? I DO, that's who.
When I look back at the pregnancy and the bed rest I can distinctly remember asking my hubby and the can this baby even grow because he NEVER sits still.  He was in a constant state of movement and always going. This would end up being Clue #1. When my precious boy entered the world my very first thought (after..omg I did it, again) was ohh he doesnt look fully baked (Clue #2), he just looked like he wasnt done yet.  I thought he looked like a fetus without the comfort of the amniotic sac?  That thought would run across my mind like a banner on a goodyear blimp for the next two years!

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